Landscape & Lighting Maintenance District
This page provides updated information on the work done in the Marina Bay Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District (MB LLMD). Our goal is to keep you informed about how your annual special assessment dollars are being spent. For a detailed list of the district’s accomplishments and current projects, please see the links at the bottom of this page.
The Committee is comprised of up to five Marina Bay homeowners, each approved of and appointed by their HOA Boards, two district business owners, the Harbor Master, a representative from the MBNC, along with representatives from the City of Richmond. We currently have openings for 2 district business owners. The entire committee consists of a maximum of 9 individuals.
Your Advisory Committee for the Marina Bay Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District meets monthly with City members, Jose Moreno, Supervisor of the Marina Bay District; Greg Hardesty, Parks and Landscaping Superintendent and and Joe Leach, Public Works Director. In each meeting, the Committee reviews the District Budget and labor tracking which details hours spent in sections of Marina Bay and hours spent on specific tasks. (For information about the District and the current budget, see the 2019-2020 Engineer’s Report below.) Also reviewed are the accomplishments of the last period and plans for the next month including areas requiring special attention and large projects. Between meetings, email is used to communicate problems to be addressed by the City Staff and respond to questions from the City.
Recent Accomplishments
Annual Engineer's Report